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(rank 145) - Challenger - Lady of Scarabs - Harpist - Baroness of Flowers - Fireball Juggler - Wallflower - Dark and Stormy Knight - Lunar Lunatic - Flame Thrower

 Waimea | Owner nathalia | Born 25/08/2007 - 16 years 249 days 5 hrs 28 mins 53 secs old


color: 100,131,254
eyes: 0,195,255
markings: natural
spots: 48
stripes: 217
wings: 229
red hair: Rr
black hair: Bb
strange hair: SSS


agility: 28 + 24
charm: 9.5 + 67
intelligence: 239.9 + 67
strength: 7.2 + 10
health: 121 / 121
mood: ecstatic
defence: + 1
epicure pts.: 658

Children (3)

Clothing (12)

Prelate's Robe
Bearded Festival Mask
Fire Elemental Mask
School Dress
Nun's Habit
Ninja Pants
Crow Bell
Royal Crown
Handheld Scroll
Moon Fox Mask
Bat Charm Necklace


Furtive Grophs are sly to the core. Nothing that they say can really be taken at face value. They make excellent spies but poor friends.

Furtive Grophs are skilled in Subterfuge.

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