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 Princess Darkmoon Xenothes | Owner NewtOnia | Born 13/11/2007 - 17 years 67 days 20 hrs 11 mins 21 secs old


color: 142,115,70
eyes: 86,135,168
markings: natural
spots: 69
stripes: 15
fins: 70
blue crest: Rr
green crest: Bb
strange crest: SSs


agility: 3 + 5
charm: 4 + 11
intelligence: 171.4 + 11
strength: 3 + 4
health: 49 / 49
mood: happy
defence: + 1

Clothing (5)

Black Cape (F)
Moon Moth Mask
Sea Fern Earrings
Rich Teal Gown
Chamber Candle


Patient Grophs have time to spare, and are willing to sit and wait for good things to come, no matter how long it takes. Activities like fishing suit them perfectly.

A Patient Groph is happy to wait for a fish to appear.

Quiet, patient, smart, and more like her father then her elder brother
Ciminin, Darkmoon lacks most of the traditional newt drive to fight.
She has a darker red tummy then most female newts, and
her father takes this as a sign that she is the next in line for the throne.
One problem. This solitary groph has no desire to rule Newtonia.

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