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 Ticki | Owner pooh12 | Born 25/05/2010 - 13 years 339 days 15 hrs 58 mins 16 secs old


color: 101,97,106
eyes: 59,180,119
markings: natural
spots: 111
stripes: 34
wings: 230
red hair: Rr
black hair: bb
strange hair: Sss


agility: 30.3 + 3
charm: 4.3 + 11
intelligence: 52.2 + 2
strength: 23.6 + 8
health: 55 / 55
mood: happy
defence: + 2
epicure pts.: 2

Clothing (4)

Formal Cane
Acolyte's Coat
Bowler Hat
Formal Tuxedo


Quick Grophs are nimble and fast, light on their tails and in control of their wings.

A Quick Groph is born with +10 Agility

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