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 Cavii | Owner Devourist | Born 11/09/2010 - 14 years 155 days 16 hrs 22 mins 32 secs old


color: 93,82,155
eyes: 12,173,229
markings: natural
spots: 124
stripes: 175
wings: 200
red crest: rr
yellow crest: BB
strange crest: Sss


agility: 2
charm: 14
intelligence: 1.5
strength: 3
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted


Beautiful Grophs are charming and pretty, quick witted and fair of face. A beautiful Groph is seldom turned down for a party.

A Beautiful Groph is born with +10 Charm

Cavii, Cavii, the prettiest groph of them all!
Cavii, Cavii, makes sure that she doesn't fall!

Cavii, Cavii, when does she ever not look good?
Cavvi, Cavii, never as she should!

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