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 - Jorgina | Owner Em | Born 13/09/2010 - 13 years 226 days 21 hrs 16 mins 58 secs old


color: 42,67,148
eyes: 37,199,124
markings: natural
spots: 110
stripes: 36
wings: 216
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 20 + 4
charm: 21 + 5
intelligence: 12
strength: 20
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted

Clothing (2)

Grey Rose Dress
Grey Bow


Troubled Grophs never have things easy. They have difficulty making friends and fate always seems to conspire against them. Life can be hard for a troubled Groph.

Troubled Grophs are more likely to be hurt by random events.

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