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(rank 21) - Lady who Waited - Lady still Waiting - Knight - Egg Inspector - Milkmaid - Scullery Maid

 Lady Willow | Owner roastedalmonds | Born 01/10/2010 - 13 years 202 days 7 hrs 22 mins 5 secs old


color: 3,68,66
eyes: 255,38,0
markings: natural
spots: 110
stripes: 45
wings: 201
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 20 + 2
charm: 6 + 37
intelligence: 15.4 + 13
strength: 20 + 11
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted

Children (2)

Clothing (12)

Big Red Bow
Purple Shell Necklace
Grey Rose Dress
Embroidered Cloak
Green Fan
Blue Ruff
Orange Shawl
Dress of Fire Veils
Royal Crown
Leaden Earrings


Studious Grophs love to learn. Their idea of a perfect day is to while it away with a book in their tail.

Studious Grophs gain more Intelligence from reading books.

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