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 Harmony | Owner Water Flowers | Born 01/03/2011 - 13 years 62 days 5 hrs 20 mins 51 secs old


color: 2,52,78
eyes: 36,199,116
markings: natural
spots: 108
stripes: 39
wings: 229
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 18.5 + -10
charm: 21.5 + 5
intelligence: 56 + 3
strength: 20 + -15
health: 119 / 119
mood: delighted
defence: + 4

Clothing (4)

Green Shawl
Leaf Brooch
Jade Ring Necklace
Heavy Helmet


Fit Grophs just seem to have a little more energy, a little more stamina than anyone else. Fit Grophs are never tired or exhausted.

A Fit Groph is born with +20 Health

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