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 Amerie | Owner Tranquility | Born 23/04/2011 - 13 years 7 days 11 hrs 14 mins 51 secs old


color: 3,62,55
eyes: 37,199,132
markings: natural
spots: 110
stripes: 37
wings: 226
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: Sss


agility: 19 + 11
charm: 21 + 29
intelligence: 186.4 + 12
strength: 20.7 + 12
health: 152 / 152
mood: happy
criminality: 6

Clothing (6)

Fire Elemental Mask
Dress of Fire Veils
Gold and Ruby Headdress
Sunrise Wrap
Texolan Earrings
Golden Necklace


Beautiful Grophs are charming and pretty, quick witted and fair of face. A beautiful Groph is seldom turned down for a party.

A Beautiful Groph is born with +10 Charm

I am a fire moth groph and take up the space of a Fire groph in your cave.

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