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(rank 19) - Golden Knight - Count of Confetti - Keeper of the Harvest Table - Knight of Celebration - Charred Leftover

 Quirrell-II-F | Owner Krazy Kalei | Born 25/05/2011 - 12 years 347 days 4 hrs 21 mins 45 secs old


color: 125,41,30
eyes: 220,58,7
markings: natural
spots: 120
stripes: 53
wings: 204
red hair: RR
black hair: bb
strange hair: SSS


agility: 10.2 + 44
charm: 0.5 + 19
intelligence: 189.3 + 41
strength: 10.8 + 36
health: 108 / 108
mood: pleased
defence: + 23
criminality: 117
epicure pts.: 71

Clothing (17)

Raindeer Antlers
Silver Horseshoe Earrings
Genius Hair
Dark Grey Haori
Mummy Wrappings
Red Rosette
Dark Grey Kimono
Quill Headdress
Mystic Branch
Pyramid Shaman's Mask
Sly Fox Mask
Bat Wing Cape
Fearsome Mask
Ninja Pants
Chain Shirt
Bandit's Mask


Sneaky Grophs have a natural surreptitious streak, always cautious, never wanting to show their hand too soon. This caution makes them excel at stealthy tasks.

Sneaky Grophs are naturally skilled with stealth and lockpicking.


Congratulations, Quirrell-II-F has finished training.
Quirrell-II-F has mastered Advanced Stealth

Congratulations, Quirrell-II-F has finished training.
Quirrell-II-F has mastered The Art of the Courtier III

Congratulations, Quirrell-II-F has finished training.
Quirrell-II-F has mastered Subterfuge III

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