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 Speakles PG | Owner Jumping_Diver | Born 31/12/2011 - 12 years 121 days 8 hrs 12 mins 53 secs old


color: 204,200,130
eyes: 20,2,17
markings: natural
spots: 158
stripes: 115
fins: 68
blue crest: rr
green crest: bb
strange crest: sss


agility: 1
charm: 2
intelligence: 20
strength: 2
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted


Troubled Grophs never have things easy. They have difficulty making friends and fate always seems to conspire against them. Life can be hard for a troubled Groph.

Troubled Grophs are more likely to be hurt by random events.

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