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(rank 1) - Mourner of King Regibald

 Solange Luna Mothirazzi | Owner Out of The Blue | Born 22/10/2013 - 10 years 183 days 5 hrs 34 mins 16 secs old


color: 100,163,44
eyes: 215,129,167
markings: natural
spots: 111
stripes: 33
fins: 67
blue crest: Rr
green crest: bb
strange crest: Sss


agility: 1 + -8
charm: 3 + 3
intelligence: 2 + 5
strength: 5 + -6
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted
defence: + 1
epicure pts.: 2

Clothing (4)

Official Dress
Embroidered Cloak
Mining Helmet


Industrious Grophs are good at laborious tasks like mining.

Industrious Grophs take one less fatigue from each charge while mining.

I have lovely pink eyes

First Industrious Moth

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