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(rank 7) - Pit Scrub - Silver Knight - Mourner of King Regibald - Hatchling

 Dagobert Danube Diver | Owner Brangwen | Born 09/01/2014 - 10 years 122 days 5 hrs 2 mins 6 secs old


color: 212,195,196
eyes: 172,155,156
markings: natural
spots: 0
stripes: 171
fins: 167
blue crest: Rr
green crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 24.4 + 18
charm: 16.2 + 26
intelligence: 224.7 + 16
strength: 26.5 + 28
health: 151 / 151
defence: + 6
criminality: 3
epicure pts.: 149

Clothing (8)

Golden Trident
Red Coral Piercing
Yellow Tail Ribbon
Gold Body Wraps
Mining Helmet
Simple Beard


Fit Grophs just seem to have a little more energy, a little more stamina than anyone else. Fit Grophs are never tired or exhausted.

A Fit Groph is born with +20 Health

He's fit; fitter than fit, and fast, like a flash, like a flash of lightening, flashing through the water, cutting through it like a knife through Sperry pie. He's so fit because he trains all day without fail; even trains in his sleep....when he can be bothered sleeping. Dagobert jogs across Grophtown to race greffles at the castle on the hour, every hour. He waves wildly at everyone and everything he sees. He does starfish jumps with real starfish, sometimes he goes for a refreshing swim across the ocean to Aquaria; waveing madly at passing ships. Inexperienced Captains have been known to dredge him out in a net, thinking he might be drowning, but no, just swimming...and waving, waving and swimming as he goes. A jolly pleasant chap really. Catch up with him one day; if you can...

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