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(rank 20) - Dark and Stormy Knight - Mistress of Mauve - Wailing Mourner - Silent Mourner - Prostrate Mourner - Mourner of King Regibald

 Furiosa Sithe Krendel | Owner The Blue Lady | Born 16/01/2014 - 10 years 100 days 13 hrs 11 mins 30 secs old


color: 199,175,165
eyes: 51,114,97
markings: natural
spots: 234
stripes: 80
fins: 186
blue crest: Rr
green crest: bb
strange crest: Sss


agility: 1.4
charm: 3.4 + 5
intelligence: 19.3 + 5
strength: 1.4 + 7
health: 50 / 50
mood: delighted

Children (5)

Nomade (Leo's Gems)
Dark Flower
Light Flower
Random (Indigo Blue)

Clothing (5)

Kharak Shawl
Love Badge
Ceremonial Spontoon
Official Dress
Official Hat


Industrious Grophs are good at laborious tasks like mining.

Industrious Grophs take one less fatigue from each charge while mining.

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