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 Furtive sea dragon | Owner Wung | Born 11/11/2023 - 177 days 1 hrs 53 mins 17 secs old


color: 255,255,137
eyes: 255,255,0
markings: natural
spots: 174
stripes: 248
fins: 246
blue crest: rr
green crest: Bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 12
charm: 0
intelligence: 26.1
strength: 20
health: 50 / 50
mood: miserable
epicure pts.: 6


Furtive Grophs are sly to the core. Nothing that they say can really be taken at face value. They make excellent spies but poor friends.

Furtive Grophs are skilled in Subterfuge.

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