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(rank 5) - Stylish Salamander

 Kolumbo | Owner zebub | Born 28/01/2022 - 2 years 86 days 15 hrs 55 mins 4 secs old


color: 255,255,150
eyes: 255,255,0
markings: natural
spots: 146
stripes: 85
fins: 239
blue crest: rr
green crest: Bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 73.4 + 24
charm: 2 + 25
intelligence: 265 + 17
strength: 76.3 + 24
health: 74 / 86
mood: miserable
defence: + 1
damage: 1
epicure pts.: 9

Children (11)

Opal (Cannoli)
Urchin (Cannoli)
Juniper (booknerd)
Marzipan (batty)
Kronk (JC)
Appaloosa Phoebe (One for all!)
Patient Pauline
Furtive sea dragon (Wung)
Mako (lilil)
Corsola (JammyTheBirb)
Sunset (Butterflies)

Clothing (5)

Fire Festival Mask
Dark Wooden Staff
Fire Opal Necklace
Buff Coat
Excited Anemone Wig


Furtive Grophs are sly to the core. Nothing that they say can really be taken at face value. They make excellent spies but poor friends.

Furtive Grophs are skilled in Subterfuge.

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